Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Cream Cleanser 170g
Dove 多芬 深层洁面乳 100ml
Neutrogena 水活防过敏清洁洁面皂 95g
Skin Basics 净肤保湿洁面乳 500g (罐体)
Avene TriXera Emollient And Cleansing Gel 400ml
Dermalogica 天然活性洁面乳液 250ml(清洁污垢、紧致毛孔)
Dermalogica 洁面啫喱 250ml (去除油脂、滋养肌肤)
Burt's Bees 皂荚及洋甘菊深层清洁霜 170g
Cetaphil 丝塔芙 澳洲温和洁面乳洗面奶 125ml
Olay 玉兰油深层洁面卸妆湿纸巾 30张
Olay 玉兰油深层洁面抗过敏卸妆湿纸巾 30张
Dr LeWinn's Essentials Sensitive Cleansing Milk 200ml
Old Spice 香料沐浴露冠军 473ml
Old Spice 休闲族男士滋润沐浴露 473ml
Palmer's 帕玛氏 雅儿可可脂配方加强舒缓滋润干燥皮肤清洁液 400ml
Sukin Derma 澳洲温和洁面露洁肤露 1L
Bioderma 贝德玛 净妍洁肤液 100ml (清洁、湿润)
Uriage 依泉 平衡清透洁肤水 250ml
Redwin Sorbolene Body Wash with Vitamin E + 10% Glycerine 1 Litre
Zk’in 净肤洁面啫喱 100ml (滋润、清洁)
Zk’in 柔肤洁面乳 100ml (滋润、清洁)
OptiDerma 沐浴露 460ml (清洁、滋养肌肤)
Billie Goat Soap 比利山羊肥皂 深层滋润沐浴泡 170g
Ego 儿童洁面泡沫 350ml (适合干性敏感皮肤瘙痒和湿疹)