Helps you control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. How does it work? When you chew Nicorette? Classic Gum it releases controlled amounts of nicotine which are absorbed through the lining of the mouth, to help you deal with cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. How do I use NICORETTE? Classic Gum? Nicorette? Classic Gum is not an ordinary gum so you should not chew it constantly. To make sure you get the most from Nicorette? Classic Gum you should use the correct chewing technique: Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.When this happens, rest the gum between your cheek and teeth (this is when the nicotine is released and absorbed through the lining of the mouth).Chew gum again when the taste has faded chew the gum again.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3617525/