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编号: 3617364


主类: 营养保健

分类: 非处方药 清咽润喉


The cheapest and cost effective act for persons who suffer from respiratory disorders are the new innovative, ergonomic and portable salt mine named Dry-Salt-Inhalers which simulate the natural microclimate conditions of an underground salt cave, salt mine or salt chamber with almost the same results as in any salt caves. Dry-Salt-Inhaler utilizes the simple curative principles of breathing salty air as in salt therapy centers.
The Dry-Salt-Inhaler is a convenient, drug-free and non-invasive device and falls under the category of physical care.
The salt antiseptic and detoxifying properties not only kill germs and bacteria in the air before it is breathed into the system but help the absorption of oxygen and users have found a marked improvement in their general state of health simply by breathing through the new inhaler for just 15-20 minutes a day, whenever you need it or wherever you are.
Benefits of Salt Therapy
* Dry-Salt-Inhaler utilizes the simple curative principles of breathing salty air, but without the inconvenience and expense of trips to salt therapy centers* Purifies the air of impurities for people suffering from respiratory ailments* 100% natural, drug free effective remedy* Promotes bronchial drainage* Eases respiratory symptoms quickly by inhaling pure air* Improves life quality, easy to use* Local effect mechanism* Excellent tolerance* Breathing through the Dry-Salt-Inhaler soothes, calms and regenerates the entire respiratory system by flushing impurities from the air such as allergy triggers.
The only portals of bacteria and virus entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a Global epidemic of this nature, it's almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with any of these viruses/bacteria in spite of all precautions.
While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of respiratory infection, in order to resist proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps can be practiced by salty air inhalation from our 100% natural inhaler
Breathing through the Dry-Salt-Inhaler soothes, calms and regenerates the entire respiratory system by flushing impurities such as allergy triggers.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3617364/