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编号: 3616248

品牌: Medi-Pak

主类: 护理产品

分类: 急救护理 热/冷敷袋


Medi-Paks act on the local injury by controlling blood flow to that area. Pain is usually localised. Responders in the body receive messages from traumatised areas and send messages to the brain which register an injury. Drugs, attempt to mask this pain, however once in the blood stream are not localised and do not directly treat the pain or speed recovery. Medi-Paks used cold temporary numb nerve endings (receptors) at the injury and causes the body to produce endorphin, part of the bodies own pain management system. A Hot Medi-Pak will increase blood flow, increasing oxygen and blood nutrients to the affected area. Medi-Paks used hot are a relaxant and generate a sense of well-being. Heat is positive energy.
A speedy recovery with Medi-Pak.Following an injury, blood vessels rupture and cause blood to pump freely (hemorrhaging) and form pockets under the skin resulting in bruising and swelling (edema) at the injury site. Bruising and swelling puts extra pressure on the surrounding area and causes pain and restricted movement.
Application of a cold Medi-Pak immediately following an injury restricts blood flow to the affected area and allows the delicate blood vessels time to repair. Doctors recommend Cold Medi-Paks be applied for 20 minutes and removed for 20 minutes for up to the first 48 hours following an injury.
The same Medi-Pak may be used hot after the first 48 hours, to increase blood flow to the injured area and increase the supply of essential nutrients to aid the rebuilding of damaged tissue.
The Medi Pak Concept for Hot and Cold Paks
Cold therapy used effectively, kills pain, and almost instantly prevents infection, helps control bleeding, reduces swelling, speeds recovery time, and is completely safe.
Cold Therapy is natures own healing force. Local cold application has many therapeutic uses. Cold application increases blood viscosity, causes Vasoconstriction and decreases blood flow, controlling hemorrhaging (bleeding) and Edema (bruising and swelling), speeding recovery.
Medi Ace Paks provide moist cold therapy (Not Wet) which doctors recommend. Cold therapy reduces pain by controlling nerve endings at the injury site, reducing the need for analgesics or pain killers. Medi-Pak used cold will kill infection and will result in faster recovery
Medi-Ice Paks used Hot relieve Muscle Soreness, Arthritic Discomfort, and Stress related Muscle Tension. The gentle heat frees stiff joints, particularly knees, wrists and fingers, and permeates tight cramped muscles causing them to release and return to normal.
Medi-Ice packs provide the best care for injury or pain due to the unique gel that allows better skin contact and coverage of an affected area. The packs hot or cold are malleable and will contour to the area that requires attention giving the user positioning versatility. Some Medi-Ice Pak products are anatomically shaped for patient comfort.
Medi-Ice Paks used Hot or Cold are recommended by Doctors, and are used in Hospital emergency and recovery wards, Aged Care facilities for repatriate care, leading sports Medicine Practitioners, the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia, Australian Institute of Sport, and by elite athletes around the country.
The Use of Cold and Hot therapy to treat injury and pain has been known to doctors for centuries. The simplicity of use and the fact that it treats pain and speeds recovery so effectively, means Medi-Pak can be used safely to treat localised pain and injury without the need for internally taken drugs. Medi-Pak is Australia's #1 selling Drug Free Pain Relief.
Cold TherapyStore Medi-Pak in freezer. Wrap your Medi-Pak in a light towel and apply to injured area, molding the pack to ensure good surface contact with your skin (you may want to keep it in place with a pressure bandage.). Doctors recommend that Medi-Paks are to be used 20 minutes on / 20 minutes off for the first 48-72 hours following an injury. Rest the injured area and elevate when possible.
Heat TherapyHeat your Medi-Pak following the directions on the box. (either microwaving or boiling method). Wrap your Medi-Pak in a light towel and apply to the painful area. (You may want to keep it in place with a pressure bandage.) The gentle heat from Medi-Pak will increase blood flow to the affected site relaxing and soothing tired or cramped muscles and making stiff and arthritic joints more mobile.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3616248/