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编号: 3615441

品牌: Nicabate

主类: 营养保健

分类: 非处方药 戒烟


NICABATE PATCHESWhether you're a heavy or light smoker, Nicabate Patches can help you quit for good. They work by providing a continuous dose of nicotine around the clock, to protect you from the cravings whenever they strike.Giving up all your cigarettes at once is hard. With Nicabate PRE-QUIT you can continue to smoke but you will find that the urge to smoke is decreased - due to the therapeutic nicotine in Nicbate PRE-QUIT.Nicabate PRE-QUIT combined with the Nicabate patch 10 week step down program is clinically proven to triple your chance of quitting successfully compared to cold turkey.Nicabate Patches provide a continuous stream of nicotine and so offer you around the clock protection even against those tough morning cravings.Choose from the original skin coloured or clear Nicabate Patch. They both come in three different strengths (or Steps), which means they deliver different levels of therapeutic nicotine to your body. This lets you wean yourself off it gradually while helping to keep the cravings and withdrawal symptoms under control.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3615441/