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编号: 3513868


主类: 辅助用品

分类: 女性卫生用品


The Lunette menstrual cup is suitable for women of all ages and sizes.We recommend Model 1 for women who have a light flow or who have never had sexual intercourse.Model 2 is recommended for women who have a heavier flow. Here are some other well publicised reasons as to WHY you would choose LUNETTE!:EASY: The Lunette menstrual cup is an easy to use and unnoticeable menstruation barrier. It does not disrupt the natural lubricating ability of the vagina, does not interfere with its natural process of discharging along with menstrual blood dead cells and bacteria, and does not dry the vaginal mucous membrane. That is why it is a more sanitary alternative to disposable tampons and sanitary towels.SUITABLE: The Lunette menstrual cup can be used by all women and in all situations. The cup can be worn during sports such as swimming, riding a bike or a horse.ECONOMIC: Using the Lunette menstrual cup is economic. When used with care a Lunette menstrual cup will last between 5-10 years.ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: The menstrual cup does not need replacing for years and during its term of service there is no waste to dispose of. The Lunette menstrual cup is made in Finland. Recycled paper is used for all printed items.SUFFICIENT: The Lunette menstrual cup can be worn at any time in your menstrual cycle-on your heaviest and lightest flow days. You don't need to worry about the supply of your sanitary towels or tampons for years!INNOVATIVE: The lining of the Lunette menstrual cup is smooth, so that its cleaning is extremely easy. The tab of the Lunette menstrual cup is flat, so that it will not collect bacteria.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3513868/