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编号: 3512867

品牌: Summer's Eve

主类: 辅助用品

分类: 女性卫生用品


The secret to staying fresh starts with Summer's Eve As women, we have special hygiene needs and may at some time experience feminine odour, vaginal discharge, itching or dryness. Whether you're affected by hormonal fluctuations, allergic reactions or infections, the right feminine hygiene product will help you manage symptoms and leave you feeling fresh & confident. Summer's Eve range of feminine hygiene products is designed specially for women and all products are hypo-allergenic, pH balanced and clinically tested for safety & efficacy. Ordinary soap may be too harsh and cause itching and irritation. Summer's Eve Feminine Washes are soap free & pH adjusted for use in the external vaginal area to gently wash away odour causing bacteria.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3512867/