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编号: 3511522

品牌: Dentyl

主类: 护理产品

分类: 口腔护理 口气清新剂


Dentyl pH is the first 2-phase visibly active mouthwash.It was developed by dentists and one of the world's leading experts in bad breath. Dentyl pH has become the second most popular brand in the UK and is now available in Australia. Just shake to activate the two liquid phases.Once activated, the advanced formulation creates an electrostatic reaction to powerfully attract, lift and remove the bacteria and debris which cause bad breath and plaque. You can actually see the evidence in the sink! No other mouthwash works the same way.Dentyl pH is based on a new concept utilising the physical properties of micro-organisms. Oral micro-organisms have hydrophobic outer surfaces. That means they repel water and are not capable of being dissolved in water but they do adhere to oil droplets.Dentyl pH consists of 2 distinct phases. The bottom phase of the formulation consists of a water base containing an antibacterial (cetylpyridinium chloride), food colour and flavours. This is overlaid with an oil phase. Oil has a high binding capacity to micro-organisms and is able to attract micro-organisms (electro-static attraction). Cetylpyridinium chloride is an antibacterial which fights bacteria and promotes the adhesion of oral micro-organisms to oil droplets. The food colour acts like a biological stain. The bacteria and oral debris are stained and can be seen macroscopically (observable by the naked eye). Microscopically they can be seen to adhere to the oil droplets.Dentyl pH fights bacteria, bad breath and plaque.When activated the two layers combine to create an electro-static reaction to attract bacteria and food particles like a magnet. When you swish and gargle, the advanced formula moves around the mouth powerfully attracting, lifting and absorbing the bacteria and debris that cause bad breath and plaque. Rinse out and you will see what has been removed - proof that it really works.Most ordinary mouthwashes contain alcohol which not only causes stinging but can cause the mouth to dry out and make bad breath worse. Dentyl pH does not contain alcohol but it is still powerful enough to fight germs and clinical studies on 2-phase formulations show that it keeps the breath fresh for hours.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3511522/