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编号: 3511378

品牌: U By Kotex

主类: 辅助用品

分类: 卫生棉条


Unlike rock-chick skinny jeans, when it comes to U tampons, 'slim' means 'comfortable'. U tampons also come with a slender tip because, let's face it, when you're suffering period pain, a fat, blunt tampon is the last thing you want to deal with.And because we know you've got better things to do than sit on a toilet scratching away at the side of a tampon wrapper, we've made our wrappers super easy to get off - just one quick twist and you're ready to go.SUPER TAMPONSGreat for heavy flow, particularly in the middle of your period. 14g - this is about 3.5 teaspoons the comfort factorSlender design with tapered tip makes them more comfortable and easier to use. the clever factorThe maximum absorbency in a slim and comfortable design. the cool factorTwist-open wrappers in 5 funky colours, plus cool pink outer packaging that's easy to spot.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3511378/