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编号: 3419736


主类: 辅助用品

分类: 脱毛产品


Silkymit hair removing glove and exfoliator, the sensible alternative to shaving and waxing. Silkymit can generally be reused and is recommended instead of shaving, waxing or in between waxing. The more you use Silkymit the more hair regrowth is discouraged. Silkymit is naturally chemical-free, odourless and harmless.How to use:* Skin must be dry. * Rotate the mit in a circular motion, several times one way and then in the opposite direction. * Do not rub up and down. * Heavy pressure is unnecessary. * If a fine white powder effect appears, this is simply beneficial exfoliation and will disappear after wiping with a damp towel or applying a body lotion.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3419736/