
What is it for? Treatment of head lice. Killing and removal of nits and larvae. Directions for use Important: Use on dry hair Step One: Take the bottle and place the applicator slightly slantwise at the centre parting of the hairline. Draw the applicator with caution along the scalp downwards. Step Two: Massage the solution in well until the hair is completely wetted with the solution. This can be done using the lice comb. Step Three: Leave NYDA Plus in the hair for an hour to ensure all the eggs have been eradicated. Step Four: After 1 hour, NYDA Plus can be washed out with your usual shampoo. Repeat hair washing if any solution is left. Re-check hair for newly acquired lice every 8-10 days. Functional Components Dimethicone dual formula (92%, high and low viscous). Helpful hints * Check hair regularly for head lice or nits *?Tie back long hair *?Don''t share combs or hair brushes *?Avoid head to head contact with anyone who may be suffering from head lice
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3415232/