
NeutraLice natural lotion for head lice. A combination of natural essential oils. Non-sensitizing, non-irritating. One fast and easy application. Suitable for children and adults. Free lice comb inside.Kills head lice and their eggs on contact.NeutraLice Advance set new standards of efficacy in killing head lice. In a study with primary school children conducted to international ICH-GCP standards, investigators at the University of Queensland* compared NeutraLice Lotion and Advance to a leading lice treatment product. NeutraLice products were applied three times, seven to ten days apart exactly as per the instructions for use. The other product was applied twice as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The results confirm that NeutraLice Lotion and Advance are almost 98% effective in KILLING head lice.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3414719/