
Kelo-cote® is an innovative topical silicone gel that is effective for the management and prevention of hypertrophic and keloid scars,resulting from trauma, burns and surgery. Kelo-cote® improves and reduces the appearance of scars, both old and new, restoring confidence and self-esteem. It softens, flattens and smoothes scars, and reduces associated discoloration, pain and itchiness. Kelo-cote® is safe, well tolerated and is suitable for use on all skin types, including children and patients with sensitive skin. Kelo-cote® rapidly dries to form a gas permeable, flexible and waterproof sheet. The sheet forms a bond with the stratum corneum (the outer layer of dead skin cells) forming a protective barrier against chemical, physical and microbial invasion while assisting with hydration. This creates an environment which allows the scar to mature through normalised collagen synthesis cycles, and improves the physiological and cosmetic appearance of the scar. Kelo-cote® silicone gel makes effective scar reduction easy.

产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3320077/