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编号: 3313494

品牌: Bodytrim

主类: 营养保健

分类: 减肥瘦身 减肥零食


BodyTrim bring you a convenient and tasty treat to complement your lifestyle, health and weight loss goals! The Bodylicious Low Carb, High Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies are the ultimate guilt-free high protein indulgence containing protein and fibre which may assist weight management as part of a balanced diet.?If you have a busy lifestyle and simply need an easy daytime snack the Bodylicious Low Carb, High Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie is made for you! You now have the choice - it is a delicious, easy and affordable snack, and keeping you BodyTrim compliant is our mission and the key to sustainable results!??The Bodylicious Low Carb, High Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie: ??? is an excellent source of protein ??? has no wheat or preservatives ??? contains no added sugar ??? is gluten free ? Bodylicious Chocolate Chip Cookies will be snacks that you’ll actually see as a special treat rather than something you are ‘meant to do.’We understand that it’s nice to be able to eat what everyone else is eating and still maintain the Bodytrim program. Geoff Jowett always says the bottom line is real food is always better than any other alternative. And the last thing Bodytrim will ever end up becoming is a program that relies solely on processed foods.The reality is we don’t live in a perfect world. We are busy. And if we don’t continuously fuel our metabolism to burn fat, it’s like pouring a huge bucket of cold water on our fat burning fire.By adding ‘cheats and treats’ into the program, it's easier to stick to it over the long haul. It gives you the best of both worlds. There’s no use having the perfect system if you don’t end up following it. And just as BodyTrim have introduced the Bodylicious Protein Bars, the cookies (packed with fat burning properties) will help you stay compliant, stop snacking on junk, keep off the ‘carb train’ and stick with the Bodytrim 3 hour rule.How do Bodylicious Chocolate Chip Cookies compare to what else is out there?Geoff made a commitment to make you a cookie unlike any other ‘weight loss cookies’, most of which are simply small carb portions used to give you the taste of a treat. The reality is that they are filled with cheap and nasty simple sugars which cause your insulin levels to skyrocket.Geoff has created a cookie which can deliver high levels of protein... low levels of carbohydrates... high fibre and low fat content... and above all does not compromise on taste one bit.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3313494/