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编号: 3311975

品牌: FatBlaster

主类: 营养保健

分类: 减肥瘦身 胶囊/片剂


Dieting can be hard!
Trying to eat less can be difficult. Everyone has a favourite food or snack, so staying disciplinedand achieving your diet can be really hard. Reducing your hunger can make dieting easier!
Reducta contains a natural ingredient – Caralluma fimbriata – used traditionally to reduce hunger levels
Each tablet contains:Caralluma adscendens var. fimbriata herb ext. dry conc. equiv. to dry herb 6g
Adults: For hunger reduction* – take 1 tablet morning & evening 30 minutes before meals.
Always use in conjunction with a healthy, energy-controlled diet and exercise program.
How Reducta works
Reducta is formulated with an extract of Caralluma fimbriata, traditionally used for centuries by Indian tribes people to help reduce hunger.
Caralluma fimbriata is an edible plant used for centuries in India to reduce hunger. The people within the tribe would chew chunks of the plant to suppress hunger and thirst during hunting expeditions. In parts of semi rural and urban South India, laborers chew its stalks before undertaking the day’s labors to enhance endurance.In drought prone parts of India it is well known as a famine food where the plant is commonly used as a vegetable.
To be used in conjunction with a healthy diet & exercise regime.
*Reducta Tablets contain Caralluma fimbriata which has been traditionally used for hunger reduction in India in times when food was scarce.
More and more people are beginning to understand the power of Fat blaster to support diet an d exercise.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3311975/