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编号: 3216498


主类: 母婴儿童

分类: 婴幼儿 婴幼儿医药


Voted European Baby Product of the Year 2007!Small children cannot blow their noses and the stagnation of secretion following e.g. upper airway infections leads to difficulties for the child to breate through the nose. An unimpeded passage of air in the nose is a prerequisite for, among other things, troublefree breastfeeding. The stagnation of secretion also leads to sleep disturbance. The nose aspirator can in most cases alleviate the trouble, and clinical trials that have been performed in a ten-year period show that the nose aspirator is harmless, and in a majority of cases relieves the patient's acute problems. The design of the nose aspirator precludes irritation of the susceptible nasal mucosa, and there is no indication in the clinical studies that points to a further increase of nasal secretion when using the aspirator. From a hygienic point of view nothing prevents the usage of the aspirator within the family, as experience tells us that the bacteriology is the same for all family members. The nose aspirator NoseFrida has also been tested from a bacteriological viewpoint in the Microbiology laboratory at Malmo University Hospital. The microbiological test concluded that there is no risk of a spreading of the infection from child to user.The nose aspirator, which has been developed at The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic in Malmo to remove secretion from the nose in small children, functions in a harmless manner.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING NOSEFRIDA NASAL ASPIRATORPlace your child face up on a changing table or bed. You can also hold your child, tucking their arms in while you use NoseFrida.Place the large tube at the child's nostril and the red part at the other end in your own mouth.Apply gentle suction to begin with, increasing suction as necessary until you see mucous in the large tube. The filter will protect you from getting anything near your own mouth.If mucous is very thick or crusty, please insert 1-2 drops of saline solution and then apply suction. Clean NoseFrida after each use: wash large tube out with soap and warm water. Rinse well and allow to dry. Replace the hygiene filter.NoseFrida should ONLY be used to clean children's and babies' noses of mucous. PLEASE KEEP NOSEFRIDA OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN UNDER 3 YEARS OLD. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A TOY.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3216498/