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编号: 3213762


主类: 母婴儿童

分类: 婴幼儿 宝宝用品 喂养配件


For Breastfeeding Mothers : Soothes, Heals and Protects Sore Nipples * 100% ultra pure lanolin - completely natural * Does not have to be removed before feeding * Clinically proven to accelerate healing * Recommended by breastfeeding specialists 'I experienced very sore nipples due to breastfeeding in the second and third week after my son was born. I had not suffered any problems with my first child, whom I breastfed for 16 months. My child health nurse put me onto Lansinoh. I found it excellent, and gained much relief after only one day of regular use. I wish to commend you on this excellent product.' Mother, NSW'I find that Lansinoh reduces the usual healing time of very damaged nipples. The relief it gives encourages mothers to keep the baby breastfeeding while we sort out the problem together.'Lactation consultant, VIC'Since I have been using Lansinoh I have not needed to use the nipple shield. My nipples are healing at last.'Mother, QLD'I have been most impressed with this product in the management of cracked nipples postnatally.' Medical practitioner, SA Sore and Damaged Nipples Natural as breastfeeding is, some women experience difficulties during the first few weeks. The most frequent discomfort is sore nipples which often leads to premature weaning. Sore nipples can be intensely painful. It is essential to find relief while sorting out the cause of the problem so that the breastfeeding relationship can continue. In the past, mothers with sore cracked nipples were encouraged to air dry their nipples and discouraged from using creams on their nipples. It has been proven that wounds in a moist environment heal twice as fast as those left to dry in the air. It is now agreed that sore nipples require a barrier that protects the nipple from surface wetness while creating a moist, scab-free environment for faster healing. Experts recommend the use of ultra pure lanolin for breastfeeding mothers. Another benefit is almost immediate pain relief. If you develop sore nipples, make sure your baby is attaching well while breastfeeding, and use Lansinoh for relief and healing.Why is Lansinoh so effective ? Lansinoh was developed jointly by breastfeeding and skin specialists to meet the special needs of breastfeeding mothers. Created by an exclusive process to remove environmental impurities, pesticide residues, detergents and allergens, Lansinoh is ultra pure. Here are the reasons why lactation experts around the world recommend Lansinoh. * No need to remove prior to breastfeeding. * Natural - similar to the body's own oil. * Hypoallergenic - lanolin of this purity has been shown to have an allergic reaction rate of zero per cent. * Clinically proven to accelerate healing. * Provides soothing relief of pain from the first application. * Well absorbed and does not clog pores or milk ducts. * Has little taste or odour to bother the baby. Lansinoh has proven effectiveness, backed by extensive clinical and laboratory testing.How To Use LansinohIf you have sore nipples, Lansinoh can provide soothing relief, protection and healing. Apply over the whole area of sore or damaged skin after every feed and as needed. Cracked nipples need a thick layer of Lansinoh for maximum benefit from moist wound healing. You may wish to wear nursing pads to protect your clothes. Some mothers like to spread a drop of hind milk on the nipple and allow it to soak in before applying the Lansinoh. As it is well absorbed and ultra pure, Lansinoh does not need to be removed before breastfeeding. To protect your nipples, you can also apply Lansinoh before showering. If the problem persists, consult a breastfeeding specialist. During pregnancy, Lansinoh may also be used to condition the nipples by applying twice daily to ease dryness and promote healthy, supple skin. Lansinoh is naturally viscous. In colder conditions knead the tube a little, or warm it in your hands for easier dispensing.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3213762/