
What is Resveratrol?Resveratrol is a phytoalexin - antibacterial and antifungal substances produced by plants as part of their defense system against pathogens. trans - Resveratrol (t- Resveratrol) is the most biologically active and most researched form of resveratrol. Red grape skin is a particularly rich source of resveratrol. It has been suggested that Resveratrol may play a significant role in the 'French Paradox'.Why is t - Resveratrol good for you?Natures Goodness t - Resveratrol is a synergistic blend of antioxidants, including:*Gape Skin Extract - rich in t - resveratrol and proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are polyphenol antioxidant bioflavonoids, and have been shown to support vascular health.*Grape Seed Extract - rich source of proanthocyanidins.*Green Tea - high in catechins - polyphenol antioxidant bioflavonoids which display cardio-protective and chemo-protective effects.*Wild Rosella - high in anthocyanins - powerful antioxidant protection from free radicals.
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