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编号: 3116826

品牌: Discover

主类: 母婴儿童

分类: 婴幼儿 备孕/验孕


From the moment an egg is fertilised and you become pregnant your body begins producing the pregnancy hormone human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone doubles every 36 to 48 hours as your pregnancy progresses, reaching its peak at 8-10 weeks.The Discover Pregnancy Index* revealed that 57% of Australian women would like to know if they have conceived before the due date of their next period. The sooner they know they are pregnant the sooner they can begin planning and taking care of themselves and their growing baby. 75% of women surveyed were not aware that accurate pregnancy tests can now be performed prior to the expected start of their next period. While many at-home pregnancy tests do not detect hCG in the urine until the first day of a missed period the technology in the DISCOVER ONESTEP* Instream Pregnancy Test is so advanced that you do not have to wait until you have missed your expected period. The Discover Pregnancy Test stick is sensitive enough to be used 5 days before your missed period to detect pregnancy.71% of women surveyed on The Discover Pregnancy Index* believed that the most accurate pregnancy tests are those performed by their doctor. However, when advised that in home kits are equally accurate as the urine tests provided by doctors, the majority of women said they would choose a kit bought from a pharmacy. At home tests are non-intrusive, easy to use and personal. You can find out your result in the comfort of your own home with your partner by your side.If the result is positive you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to confirm the result and to ensure there are no issues concerning your health. Early pre-natal care is essential to having a healthy pregnancy and baby.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3116826/