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编号: 3115880


主类: 营养保健

分类: 维他命/营养品 疱疹缓解


BioRevive - Herpothermis a reusable, pocket-sized electronic device which prevents or significantly reduces all visible signs of a cold sore. Manufactured in Germany, Herpotherm is the fastest and most effective way to treat a cold sore through use of heat (chemical-free). *Herpotherm is a reusable, pocket-sized electronic device which prevents or significantly reduces all visible signs of a cold sore. Manufactured in Germany, Herpotherm is the fastest and most effective way to treat a cold sore, through use of heat.*Herpotherm is clinically proven and dermatologically tested.*How does Herpotherm work?-Herpotherm applies concentrated heat to the cold sore for 4 seconds. The concentrated heat (50-51 degrees celsuis) disrupts the replication of the herpes virus through denaturing the assciated proteins and enzymes. As a result the cold sore is preventing from growing or spreading.*Why use Herpotherm?-Fast and effective -Simple to use -Compact and discreet -Chemical-free -Suitable for adults and children -Suitable for people with chrome-nickel allergies -Multiple use and lasts for years
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3115880/