
Lifestream Premium Quality Barley Grass is Nature’s High-Nutrient Alkalising FoodLifestream Barley Grass is a wholesome green food made from the fresh leaves of young premium quality certified organic Barley Grass plants. This natural nutrient rich superfood contains a wide variety of trace minerals, antioxidants, vitamin C & E, plant pigments, enzymes and is up to 39% pure fibre - all in a perfect natural blend.Lifestream Barley Grass is independently certified organic by AgriQuality NZ and contains no chemicals, synthetic additives or fillers and most importantly, the plants are not chlorine washed. Lifestream Barley Grass is grown outside in natural New Zealand sunshine for over 90 days.Lifestream Barley Grass is rich in chlorophyll. This is one of the best indicators for quality as the levels of chlorophyll that remain after harvesting and processing indicate a premium quality product. Lifestream Barley Grass is ‘flash air dried’ immediately after harvest. This is done whilst the plant is at the peak nutritional potency. Lifestream Barley Grass is 100% pure whole leaf powder.What does being ‘over-acid’ mean?A typical western diet for many people consists of up to 90% acid-forming foods and drinks like white bread, sugar, takeaways, fried, processed or refined foods, tea, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. Overeating and the increased ingestion of the typical acidic western diet are the key reasons for people becoming over-acidic.Health and vitality is encouraged in a naturally alkaline environment.Why is the acid/alkaline balance important?The body’s acid-alkaline balance is vitally important to our overall health but is often overlooked when health problems are addressed. The human body is perpetually in a changing state between acid and alkaline. This is largely determined by the food we eat, as foods are either acid forming or alkaline-forming. However, this is not to be confused with the immediate acidity of a food. Lemons for example, are considered acid due to their citric acid content and taste but lemons, once metabolized, actually leave an alkaline residue in the body. To optimize our health and well being, the ideal balance of food and food residue in the body is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. The human body is continually working to maintain its ideal pH level of between 7.36 and 7.42.Restoring the acid/alkaline balanceBabies are born in a very alkaline state and over time we generally become more and more acidic. However, all is not lost - the body can regain its natural alkaline balance through eating highly alkaline foods such as green leafy vegetables, fresh seasonal fruits, pulses and nutrient-rich super foods like Lifestream Barley Grass. The key is changing the amounts and balance of the foods you eat and getting to know which foods are acid forming and which are alkaline-forming.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3114271/