
HIVITA® LiquiVita® is an optimised liquid multivitamin and mineral herbal tonic that assists in maintaining vitality and stamina.
Key features and benefits* Is essential for the synthesis of collagen and may help in the maintenance of healthy teeth, gums and skin* May help maintain healthy blood* May assist in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system* May help to support the body’s response to stress* Are essential for the conversion of food to energy* May aid in the maintenance of general well-being* Children and the elderly, who do not have an optimal diet or digestive function, or who are on gluten-free diets.* Adults who are unable to swallow tableted supplements or who are very sensitive to nutritional supplements at higher doses.* People who need help to fill nutritional gaps in order to support the body in times of stress, especially when recovering from minor infectious illness such as cold and flu.* People who require assistance in the maintenance of general wellbeing* Adults in institutions (eg aged care) who need support for healthy immune functions and metabolism. HIVITA® LiquiVita® contains important ingredients for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.* Children, adults and elderly predominantly eating supermarket quality or packaged/frozen/take-away foods (fresh organic produce naturally contains the bulk of these nutrients).* HIVITA® LiquiVita® may be taken as a daily nutritional supplement to help provide essential nutrients.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3113794/