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编号: 3112264


主类: 营养保健

分类: 维他命/营养品 肠胃养护


Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance is a high-potency probiotic. It is a convenient one-capsule-per-day formulation containing 26 billion organisms. It contains a combination of three probiotic strains, including the clinically-tested HOWARU® bifido. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that live naturally in the gut. Studies show that probiotics help maintain a balanced intestinal and digestive environment, which results in healthy digestion, regular bowel function and general wellbeing. Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance contains HOWARU® bifido, a clinically-tested strain of probiotic that has been scientifically shown to strengthen the bodys natural defences and help support a healthy immune system. HOWARU® bifido has been carefully selected for its ability to survive the digestive processes and deliver clinically proven therapeutic benefits. If you have been taking a course of antibiotics, friendly bacteria levels in the digestive system may be disrupted.  Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance can balance levels of friendly bacteria that may have been interrupted due to antibiotic use. A healthy digestive system contains high numbers of live bacteria  in fact, over one hundred thousand billion of them! These bacteria work to support the digestive process and help to protect the body from invading pathogens. Levels of healthy bacteria can be lost or disrupted by factors such as stress, alcohol, smoking and a diet high in processed foods, as well as the contraceptive pill and antibiotic use. Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance helps to restore friendly bacteria levels. This helps to support digestive function, aid in food digestion and the absorption of nutrients. It can also assist in the relief of symptoms such as bloating and constipation. Many people dont realise that a healthy immune system also relies upon optimal levels of friendly bacteria. These friendly bacteria help to prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria that can cause symptoms such as bloating, constipation or diarrhoea and overall lowered immunity.It is recommended that Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance be taken with a meal. This ensures that the pH levels in the digestive system are ideal. It is suitable to be taken long term, as friendly bacteria only reside in the digestive tract for a few days before being replaced by new ones. Supplementing with Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance helps maintain the balance. Dosage: One capsule daily. Suitable for children over 1 year of age. Can be broken and added to food or a cold beverage, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Caution: Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your health care professional.
产品地址: http://dgt.playinmel.com/product/3112264/